We are facing a radically new context compared to past eras, a context that forces us to redefine the forms of communication , language and training .
How can we identify the novelties and cornerstones of this great change that is taking place?
Corporate Communication and Training: Complexity and Speed
The first aspect to underline is that of Complexity .
By complexity we mean, here, the high number of information and data that interact with each other and with which each of us is faced when making a decision. It is a number that is growing exponentially and the web certainly acts as an accelerator of this process.
Having an enormous amount of DarkComet information to dispose of and to manage, the issue of how to move , govern and not be overwhelmed by this large mass of information therefore becomes urgent. It is urgent to know how to identify priorities, distinguishing useful things from useless ones , thus learning the art of filtering stimuli and sources. A decidedly new theme for humanity.
The second major aspect of the current context is Speed .
We interact in a rapidly changing society because every innovation, every discovery adds up to the previous ones, creating an exponential, ever faster evolution.
Alvin Toffler and “The Third Wave”
In the late nineties Alvin Toffler wrote “The Third Wave” . In his book he defined the third wave as a fifteen year era.
Specifically Tofler was referring to the period between 1985 and 2000 . A period so intense as to be equal, precisely in terms of intensity of change, to the previous one hundred and fifty years, which in turn were so intense as to be equal to the fifteen hundred years that preceded them.
At the time Tofler writes, the breakneck pace of that era seems unbelievable. But in contemporary society, this intensity is further exacerbated and the cycles of change no longer count for fifteen years, they have drastically shortened, defining very short cycles with an epochal character.
Say it easy: when the sea is (not) involved between saying and doing
Dillo Facile already has in its name an enormously important meaning consisting of the words ” Dillo ” and ” Facile “.
Dillo Facile and the power of words
A verb and an adjective:
- “ Dillo ”
- Imperative of the verb DIRE , a verb that derives from the Latin and means “to show, indicate, tell”, has an incredibly strong driving power in itself because its full meaning is to show a concept of the mind with the word , to express themselves speaking. And already at this point I am fascinated, conquered by the reach of the Dillo Facile brand.
- “ Easy ”
- The adjective that completes the path of the project (brand) itself. Easy means that it lends itself well to being done , a word that also derives from the Latin, sharing the etymology with the verb FARE .
The authentic meaning of Dillo Facile
Hence, the strategic message contained in the very name of the “Dillo Facile” brand becomes much clearer:
- think ,
- show what you think
- and do what you think
In other words, make concrete what arises in your mind in the easiest way possible by creating the link between an idea and its realization .
Not only words, therefore, but also deeds.
Just two words, Dillo Facile, that is Saying and Doing without putting the sea in the way!
Dillo Facile is therefore a way to show (tell) the way and facilitate (easy) the realization of a right path , an ethical path to follow in Corporate Credit Management, which is the subject I specifically deal with.